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Phyllis J. Arno, Ph.D.
Sarasota, FL
B.A. Faith Christian College
M.A. Whitefield Theological Seminary
Ph.D. Andrew Jackson University
Dr. Phyllis J. Arno is the President of The Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling. She was a private legal secretary for a law firm for over 20 years prior to going into the ministry full time.
She conducted research for, as well as developed, the Arno Profile System, which is the S.A.C.C. and the N.C.C.A.’s temperament identification inventory.
She is the Clinical Supervision Administrator and appoints Clinical Supervisors for N.C.C.A. direct students.
Dr. Phyllis is ordained by Faith Outreach Center Ministerial Fellowship, Tampa, Florida.
Dr. Phyllis is the editor of “The Messenger,” N.C.C.A.’s bi-monthly newsletter and “The Enlightener,” S.A.C.C.’s bi-monthly newsletter. “Temperament Corner,” a column in these newsletters that features temperament topics, is written by Dr. Phyllis.
In addition, Dr. Arno is the co-author of several textbooks including “Creation Therapy,” and she has also authored two books titled “Temperament Corner” and “Temperament Corner II.”
She holds a B.A., an M.A. and a Ph.D. and was awarded a Doctor of Letters honores causa from Cornerstone University in June, 2003.
She was elected to The Heritages Who’s Who in 2010.

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