Page 18 - 东营银行
P. 18
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offerings. The future is not better.
The companies that find a way to achieve scale without losing their insurgent mission
— we call them “Scale Insurgents”— remain acutely alert to this difference in perspective.
They actively fight back against the very natural tendency to retreat behind the castle walls
to avoid future change and turbulence. Instead they do what in some companies might seem
like heresy — they commit to disrupting their own insurgency. They know that acquiring
the benefits of scale requires ruthless focus on a well-defined core business and a
commitment to building the systems and processes to support it. But they aren’t wedded to
their business model-they are wedded to what will serve their customers best. Rather than
exacting defenses against the future, they embrace the notion of limitless horizons-the idea
that a company can intelligently extend the boundaries of its core ever outward.
1. According to paragraph 1, why are founder-led companies often considered as
A. Because they often damage the market order.
B. Because they often challenge the old companies in many ways.
C. Because they often get more supports from the customers.
D. Because they often make more money than the old companies.
2. Which of the following is NOT a representation of startups’ “rebellions”?
A. They frequently defeat old companies in competitions.
B. They try to figure out new ways to solve problems.
C. They are more concentrated and tend to stick to their goals.
D. They do not follow existing rules.
3. What is main difference between an “insurgent” company and an “incumbent” company?
A. An insurgent company prefers chaos to stability.
B. An insurgent company loves challenging the incumbent companies.
C. An insurgent company invests more in the future while an incumbent company
invests more in the status quo.
D. An insurgent company sees changes as opportunities while an incumbent company
loves stability more.
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