Page 29 - Layth Madi Portfolio of Projects
P. 29

A New Resort Destination between the Gulf
and the Mangroves
Solidere International & Al Zorah Development Co.
Emirate of Ajman United Arab Emirates
2.2million m2 BUA 2km2 Land Area
Al Zorah Resorts is being devel- oped jointly by Solidere Interna- tional and Al Zorah Company Ltd, in partnership with the Govern- ment of Ajman. Visionnaire was engaged by Solidere International to collaborate on the preparation of a development strategy and corresponding masterplan for this new city.
Set on the coastline of Ajman, one of the seven United Arab Emir- ates, Al Zorah will be repositioned as a mixed-use tourism-focused destination. The development strategy leverages the natural as- sets of the site, which include a 2km long stretch of unspoilt coastline and 2km2 of mangroves and lagoons. The 54.km2 land area of Al Zorah will be developed in several phases, and when com- plete will comprise 10.8million m2 of built-up area.
Visionnaire’s masterplan has been adopted by Al Zorah, and infrastructure and construction works are in advanced stages.

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