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P. 113
ISSN 2309-0103 Vol. 6 (2) / February 2019
Efilena Baseta is an architect engineer, studied in the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), with a Master degree in Advanced Architecture from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC). Her interest lies in exploring material behaviours, physically and digitally, in order to create efficient structures. In 2014 she won the most “Innovative Structure” award from IAAC for her master thesis project ‘Translated Geometries’ which gained great publicity. Since 2014 Efilena is a partner of Noumena, a multidisciplinary practice which merges computational strategies with advanced manufacturing techniques in order to accomplish technology-oriented solutions in various fields; from wearables to robotics. She has been part of the design and coordination of exhibitions related with Advanced Construction, such as the “Pavilion of Innovation” in Construmat 2015 and the InnoChain 1st Colloquium in Angewandte Innovation Lab. In 2015-16 she collaborated with IAAC as the coordinator of the Visiting Programs. Having led several courses internationally, during 2016-18 Efilena was a Marie-Curie research- er. Currently, she is a PhD candidate at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna on the topic ‘Bending-active system with controllable curvature-stiffness relation’. The latter research has been awarded by ACADIA ‘18 and Autodesk as the best ”Emerging Research” in the paper category.
Mads Brath Jensen is a PhD fellow at the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology at Aalborg University in Denmark (2017-2020). In his PhD study, he investigates design methods and procedures for establishing a direct relation between creative design processes in the field architecture and interactive robotic fabrication, with emphasis on how the cognitive design processes are influ- enced by interactive real-time human-material-robot processes. Mads received his MSc.Eng. in Digital Design from Aalborg University in 2008 and has been teaching in the field of computational architecture, parametric design and rapid prototyping technologies on both BSc and MSc level (2008-2017).This research-based teaching has resulted in a series of research pavilions showcasing the interconnection be- tween computational form-finding, material behaviour, thermal- and acoustic simu- lation, and fabrication techniques.
Yu-Chou Chiang is PhD candidate at the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology, in the Netherlands. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Hydraulic Engineering from National Taiwan University. After a few years working as a research and education assistant at the university and as an engineer or a designer in few consultants and design firms, he began his PhD research at the Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft, investigating the interrelation between membrane shells, digital fabrication, and reconfigurable mechanisms.