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ISSN 2309-0103 Vol. 6 (2) / February 2019
Christoph Klemmt graduated from the Architectural Association in London in 2004 and is a doctoral candidate at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. He has worked amongst others for Zaha Hadid Architects, where his responsibilities were focused on the company’s projects in China. He is Assistant Professor at the Department of Design, Art, Architecture and Planning at the University of Cincinnati, where he received a grant to set up the Architectural Robotics Lab. In 2008 he co-founded Orproject, an architect’s office specialising in advanced geometries with an ecologic agenda. Orproject has exhibited at the Palais De Tokyo in Paris, the China National Museum in Beijing and the Biennale in Venice. The work of Orproject has been featured world-wide in magazines and books such as Domus, Frame, and Spacecraft, and the practice has won several international Awards.
Constantin Spiridonidis is Architect (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Urban Planner (Univ. Paris VIII), Dr. in Architecture and Urban Design (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). He is actually Professor in School of Architecture of the Canadian University of Dubai and a Tenured Professor in School of Architecture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. His research interests are cantered on design theory, architecture and urban design, architectural education and design pedagogy. He has a long experience in the management of academic educational programs investigating different educational environments as to their priorities, values and principles and the ways all these are expressed and represented in educational strategies, pedagogical approaches and teaching methodologies. He has an extended participation in and contribution to inter¬national organizations in Europe and USA, decision-making institutions, policy- making bodies and capacity building mechanisms to enhance the quality of architectural education and assure learning outcomes corresponding to the contemporary profile of an architect in a fast-changing world. He is a distinguished scholar with a broad record of publications aiming to disseminate innovative views on architectural education, to encourage and support changes in curricula structures and contents, to reconsider educational objectives, pedagogical methods and teaching strategies, to inspire new logics, new conceptions and new practices in design education respecting local identities and attitudes without losing touch with the international trends and dynamics.
Ioanna Symeonidou is an architect engineer specializing in digital media for design and manufacturing. She is Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly, in the thematic area of “Architectural Design with Digital Media”. She has graduated from the Architecture Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with Honours,and she has completed her postgraduate studies at theArchitectural Association in London in the thematic area of Emergent Technologies and Design. Her doctoral dissertation at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki focuses on digital design and construction methods. Dr. Symeonidou is