Page 7 - CEEM Shopping Mag NOVEMBER 2020
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While BerniE’s artwork has been seen on TV sitcoms like “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air” and “The

               Jamie Foxx Show” and he has created custom pieces for celebri�es like Magic Johnson, Oprah

               Winfrey and a host of others, it is this I Care collec�on and endeavor that he is most passionate
               about. It’s a tribute to his mother who succumbed to Alzheimer’s and Demen�a in 2019.

               As part of his healing, the ar�st went to work on a series of pain�ngs related to his experience

               as his mom’s caregiver and his interac�ons with his grandmother and grandfather who also

               ba�led with Alzheimer’s.

               More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s, which is the sixth leading cause of
               death in the United State. According to the Associa�on and senior advocates, since the COVID-

               19 pandemic, many Alzheimer’s pa�ents have experienced cogni�ve decline.

               At a �me when COVID-19 is at the forefront of public concern and many are focused on the

               devasta�ng effects of the pandemic, BerniE is a�emp�ng to encourage others to show care and
               compassion for a vulnerable popula�on.

               “My aim is to bring a�en�on back to the pa�ents and their families to let them know that they

               are not forgo�en, even in the midst of this COVID-19 crisis,” said BerniE. “Some of the most

               important people in the lives of Alzheimer’s pa�ents are caregivers whose statement of
               profession is I Care. My mom and grandma would always ask why I was so helpful, and my

               answer was always, ‘because I Care.’”

               More than a mo�o or catchy lyric, I Care is a crea�ve ini�a�ve that the Alzheimer’s Associa�on
               is happy to support.

               "I was impressed with the uniqueness of his artwork and how the song symbolizes Alzheimer's

               Awareness. The art truly moved me," said Krystle Joseph, MBA, Manager of Walk to End

               Alzheimer's (IE), Alzheimer's Associa�on, California Southland.

               Learn more about the I Care Collec�on at and help to make a difference by showing

               you care. Spread the word through social media using #icarealz.

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               BerniE and Alzheimer’s Awareness
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