Page 168 - اثار مصر الفرعونية2
P. 168
were it terminates. It is very likely that this double corridor
system signals a change in the original construction plans. The
"upper corridor" was probably abandoned when the floor of the
antechamber was lowered. From this, Petrie believed that the
original pyramid was only about half the size that it is today,
though others such as Stadelmann doubt his analysis.
In fact, the substructure of this pyramid underwent
significant changes. Investigations of both this pyramid, and the
tombs of his royal family that are closest in time (Mastabat
Faraun and Khentkaues I's stepped tomb) point to the
development of these subchambers in three phases, during which
the original plan was enlarged.
In the antechamber, Vyse unearthed the remains of an
anthropoid wooden coffin with, Menkaure's name Within were
human bones. Most scholars today believe this coffin was
inserted, perhaps in an effort of restoration, into the pyramid
during the Saite period late in Egypt's ancient history. However,
the bone fragments were even more recent as revealed by radio
carbon dating, that shows hat they probably date to the Coptic
Christian period of some two thousand years ago. There is a
rectangular indention in the west section of the antechamber
floor, suggesting that a sarcophagus may have once been
intended for this room.
However, from the middle of the floor of the antechamber,