Page 202 - اثار مصر الفرعونية2
P. 202

: ‫ المراجل الأجنبٌة‬: ‫ثالثا‬
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 _________., Two Monuments of the reign of Horemheb, JEA

   44, 1968.
 _________., Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt, London, 1968.
 _________., Akhenaten and Nefertiti, London, 1973.
 Alberta, S., Guide to the valley of the kings and to the

   Necropolice and temples, Cairo, 2002.
 Baikie, J., Egyptian Papyri and Papyrus Hunting, London,

 Blackman, A.H., on the Position of women in the Ancient

   Egyptian Hierachy, JEA 0017, 1921.
 Borchardt, L., Äegyptische Temple mit umage le caire, 1938.
 Breasted, J. H., A History of Egypt, London, 1905.
 Bruyere, B., Meret seger a Dier-El-Medineh, MIFAO, 58,

 Budge, E., Book of the kings, vol I, London, 1910.
 Capart, J., L'Art Egyptien choix de documents; L'acchitecture,

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 ________., et worbrouck, M., Thebes, Bruxelles, 1925.
 Carter, H., The Tomb of Tut-ankh-Amen, 3 vols. London,

 Cerny, J., A Community of Workmen at Thebes in the

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 Davies, N., Scenes from Theben tombs, Oxford, 1963.
 Dodsen, A., Monarchs of the Nile, Cairo, 2000.
 El Saady, H., The External Royal Envoys of Ramessides: A

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