Page 69 - آثار مصر الفرعونية الجزء الأول
P. 69
the south shaft is aligned with Sirius. Still other people think they
may have served some unknown religious purpose. The openings
of the shafts in the Queen's chamber were originally bricked up
and even camouflaged. They were only discovered in 1872 by
Dixon, who opened them. Similar shafts can also be found in the
King's Chamber.
In the first part of 1993, as part of a project sponsored by the
German Archaeotogical Institute, the engineer Rudolf
Gantenbrick used a robot called (Wepwawet), which he had
equipped with a camera, to video the inner walls of the queens
chamber shafts. The video shows that the southern shaft ended
with a small limestone slab in which two heavily corroded pieces
of copper had been inserted. Later investigations showed this
door to be about six centimeters thick. Considerable speculation