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TIME IS RUNNING OUT Just a few recent upheld PPI claims:
A DEADLINE HAS BEEN IMPOSED Mrs M awarded over £11,000 from Santander for mis-sold PPI
on her store cards
With years of experience in the Payment Protection
Insurance mis-selling business, we’ve claimed refunds for Mr M awarded over £3,000 from MBNA for mis-sold PPI
people all over the country. Having helped a large number on his credit cards
introduce ourselves and give the NARF the same service. Mr D awarded over £7000 from First Direct for mis-sold PPI
on his Loans
Even now, with the widespread press coverage, a huge
number of people still haven’t investigated whether they Mr M awarded over £7040 from Barclays for mis-sold PPI
have been mis-sold this insurance, and are due a refund. on his credit card
Many are even unaware they had taken it out, whilst others
felt pressurised into purchasing it. At Active Credit Reclaim Mrs M awarded over £16,500 from M&S Bank for mis-sold PPI
we realise that some members of the public are a little on her personal reserve & charge card
daunted by the thought of dealing with a claim themselves.
Have you had a Barclays overdraft?
have EVER had a credit card, bank loan or HP you may have Barclays added PPI to a huge number of overdraft facilities.
been sold this insurance, and if PPI was mis-sold to you, the One NARPO member was awarded over £10,000 for the
lender may owe you a substantial refund!
mis-selling of this insurance on his current account.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Paying a fee for your bank account?
“I’ve had loans and credit cards in the past but Millions of people have been sold or upgraded to a fee
I don’t have them anymore. Can you still help?” paying packaged bank account (PBA). If yours was mis-
Yes, so long as you remember who you borrowed from we sold, you could be entitled to a refund. Mr J just received
will apply to the lenders (at no cost to you), for details of £2640 from Nat West.
all loans and credit cards you have held with them. Once
“I’m pretty certain I’ve always refused this type
of insurance in the past. Is it still worth
Yes. Many people tell us that they don’t think they have call us: 01707 649 665
or 01707 649 688
that clients weren’t aware of. It will cost you nothing for us
How much does your service cost? Emails us:
We charge no upfront fees whatsoever. If we investigate
or got to
this. Our success fee (25% + VAT of refund) is only payable and “request a pack or a call back”
IF we win your claim. If we do not win, you owe us nothing.
Remember, we are here to help YOU!!!
Active Credit Reclaim, 45A The Broadway, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 2HZ
Active Credit Reclaim Limited are Regulated by the Claims Management Regulator
with regards to claims management activities, Number CRM40830.