Page 21 - The Hot Press June 18
P. 21


              End of Season Party Scrapbook

           Shawn Boothe & Emily   Fulham opened its doors to all across Delaware North to celebrate the
           Adams, casual workers
                                     great season they've had coming to an end.
             based at Fulham FC
                             Katarzyna Marszal, Katrina Russell, Kathryn
                             Talbot, Mandy Linehan and Meral Yuseinova,
                              Hospitality managers at Fulham FC

   Pictured:                                        Jade Mckenzie, London Stadium Staffing
   Fiona Moore,                                     Cordinator and Jo Iveson, Head of people at
  Garry Blanks,                                    celebrate with Fulham.
  Charlie George,
                                                   London Stadium got Hollywood glam to
  Marcus Brown,
  Mariama Mills,
  Abi Sodimu,
  Sanjay Patil and
  Louise Cardera

  More guests came to celebrate with a few beers in
  true hollywood style

 Blessing Akisanmi, Recruitment Assistant and Sarah
 Pitty, Operations Manager trying out a new look at   John Smith, Profit Protection Event Manager  Ja-

 Charlton  mie Russell, Profit Protection Manager and Alex  Hot Press   June 2018    page  21
       Harrison, Procurement Systems Officer.
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