Page 10 - Platinum Options Brochure
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FACILITIES, EXPERIENCE & CULTURE At Northstar our goal is to build a
home to suit you and your tastes.
If you want your great-grand-
Clients choose us because they “ mother’s claw foot tub installed
trust us. We’ve got the experience,
the facilities, but most of all we’re as the focal point of your master
the sort of bunch they want bathroom, just ask! We’ve done it
to deal with. before!"
• Engineered Studs behind
kitchen cabinets for added
strength and accuracy! This
means no unsightly gaps behind
countertop backspash.
• All electrical outlet boxes mounted
to studs - outlets remain intact
and do not loosen over time.
• Insulated Rim Joists
• Batt insulation at energy heel of
truss - reduce ice dams and heat
“It is too beautiful for words. I’m not kidding…I
had a dream for this house, and it far exceeds
anything I could have imagined. The craftsman-
ship overall is so gorgeous. Your recommenda-
tions and expertise were invaluable. I could not
be happier with the look of the interior and the
exterior. I know we had some bumps in the road
along the way, but the end result was worth it
and this is a project that everyone can be really
proud of. All I had was an idea on paper and you
guys brought it to life. I am eternally grateful.”
TERRY R. - Northfield, MN