Page 3 - KA_SEA-DF_Brochure
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          HE CITY OF SEASIDE is a General Law City with a
      TCouncil/Manager form of government. The five-member City
       Council is a legislative and policy-making body that is elected
       on a nonpartisan basis to represent the residents of Seaside.
       The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to manage
       the daily operations of the City and is responsible for making
       policy recommendations to the City Council and implementing          THE POSITION
       City Council policy directives. The City’s total workforce is 139
       FTEs. The City has a general fund budget of almost $32 million.          HE FINANCE DIRECTOR is a hands-
       The City has nine departments that provide direct city services:     Ton department head appointed by and
       Fire; Police; Finance; Human Resources/Risk Management;              reporting to the City Manager. Under the City
       Community Development; Public Works/Engineering;                     Manager’s administrative supervision plans,
       Recreation; Economic Development; and Building/Code                  organizes, manages, and provides direction
       Enforcement.                                                         and oversight for all functions and activities
                                                                            of the Finance Department. Responsibilities
                                                                            include preparing reports, making public
      THE DEPARTMENT                                                        presentations, and serving on various

                                                                            internal and external committees, boards,
          HE FINANCE DEPARTMENT has 8 FTEs, including                       and task forces. This vital position analyzes
      TInformation Services and Finance functions.                          the City’s financial status and makes
                                                                            recommendations to the City Manager and
       The Finance Department has several areas of responsibility,
       including General Accounting, Cash Management, Accounts              City Council. The Director coordinates the
       Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Budget, Grants, and           development of the City’s operating and
       Debt Services. It provides accurate accounting of all revenues       capital improvement budgets and oversees
       and expenditures, including preparation of financial statements,     the administration of both budgets
       annual budgets, other financial reports, and supports the
       development of the annual audited financial statements.

            Finance Department Mission Statement
            The Mission of the Finance Department is to manage
             and safeguard City resources, provide information,
                and assist all customers in a knowledgeable,
                     competent, and courteous manner.
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