Page 6 - TOP - Procurement Officer - AMB 01 23 20
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Eight years public sector
experience in procurement with Interim Purchasing Manager Jan 2019 - Present
proven ability to reduce costs and City of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA
improve operations. Successfully
leads projects from conception to • Establishes and oversees contracting and procurement processes for the City.
completion, meeting compliance • Administers P-Card program, Surplus program, Environmental and Cooperative
and policy standards while programs, ERP System, FEMA and CalOES procurement and reporting.
fulfilling organizational goals. • Develops and maintains policies and procedures, recommends adjustments or
amendments where appropriate.
• Manages the contracting processes for the City, contracts for City-Wide goods
and professional services, which includes negotiation of terms and conditions,
EDUCATION preparing contract documents, working with Counsel and Risk Management to
ensure compliance with Federal, State and Local contracting statutes, and
CPPB providing contract management and administration services.
Certified Professional Public Buyer • Reviews and monitors DIR compliance, prevailing wage, certified payroll records
Certificate Number 13559, UPPCC for capital improvement projects.
Supervisor Training Academy Procurement & Contracts Manager Feb 2018 - Sep 2018
Cabrillo College County of El Dorado, Placerville, CA
• Managed the procurement of all goods and services for the County.
FTA Procurement Series I-IV, DBE • Procured and managed locally, federally, and grant funded professional
NTI at Rutgers University services, and public works contracts, from development of solicitation and
2015 contract through final contract closeout.
• Supervised activities of division staff; training, established quality control and
MBA work standards for the division.
California Coast University • Developed, conducted, and managed solicitations including request for
2004 proposals (RFP), request for qualifications (RFQ), qualification base selection
(QBS), and invitation for bids (IFB) from beginning to end.
BA • Developed goals, objectives, policies, and procedures for the division, and
Sonoma State University enforced adherence.
2000 • Administered central stores, P-Card program, surplus, and mail/courier services.
Purchasing Agent Apr 2012 - Jan 2018
Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District, Santa Cruz, CA
AFFILIATIONS • Administered federally funded IFBs and RFPs for all departments and divisions.
• Implemented JIT inventory procurement cycles saving over $1M per year.
CAPPO California Association of • Managed contract administration, triennial and PSR audits, P-Card programs.
Public Procurement Officials • Directed compliance with federal, state and local procurement and reporting
NIGP The Institute of Public • Supervised buyers and warehouse staff to meet goals and key performance
Procurement indicators.
• Managed records databases, forms, policies and procedures to ensure
CSMFO California Society of compliance.
Municipal Finance Officers • Created training and outreach programs for A/P staff, management teams, and
GFOA Government Finance • Processed over 1,000 PO’s per year and contracts spanning multiple capital and
Officers Association operating budgets and grants.