Page 16 - Proposal Template #2
P. 16


                /01                                               /02

               Ideal Candidate Profile                            Brochure Desgin

               Working closely with key stakeholders, K&A         In collaboration with the City and working
               will assist in identifying the specific needs      closely with our professional design team,
               of the City and the key competencies and           a visually appealing and mobile friendly
               characteristics of the “ideal candidate.”          recruitment brochure will be designed.

                                                                  We will advise the City and compile our
                                                                  recommendations into an Ad List to share
                                                                  it with your team before launch. Our team
                                                                  will also use our social media presence,
                                                                  such as Twitter and LinkedIn to promote
                                                                  the opportunity and to ask our network for

                /03                                             /04

                                                                Phone Screens and
                Candidate Development                           Recommendations

                K&A Recruiting’s focus on modern sourcing tech-  Our team will schedule the top candidates
                niques, which expand the candidate pool, differ-  for phone screens and will prepare K&A
                entiates us from  fellow public-sector recruiting   Recruiting’s Phone Screen Evaluation Form
                agencies, who often rely on less efficient and   making our recommendations concise and
                more passive practices of candidate discovery.   easy to understand.

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