Page 2 - Proposal Template #3
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Dear Randi Perry:
                                                                                                                                                                                                       K&A Recruiting embraces
       Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your request for proposal for Executive Recruitment services                                                                                        diversity and inclusion
       for the position of Mayor’s Communications Director for the City of San José (“City”).  We are most inter-
       ested in assisting the City with the effort for this critical opening, which occupies a key leadership posi-
       tion.  K&A Recruiting is committed to providing exceptional service and placements of the highest quality.                                     our                                              and innovative advances available to
       Based on our experience filling the Mayor’s Communications Director for the City in 2015, I feel that we                                                                                        the recruiting industry, which gives us a
       are well-qualifed to perform the recruitment for this search.                                                                            Services                                               comprehensive advantage in com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       parison to less-progressive recruiting
       We have successfully placed numerous executives and managers with cities, counties, public agencies,
       JPAs, and non-profit organizations throughout our 35-year history.  To accomplish this, we develop cus-
       tomized recruitment projects around the unique requirements of each position.
       We have made a positive difference for many public agencies and their respective workplaces throughout
       California, and have forged strong, authentic relationships with the individuals affected, including staff and
       executives. To increase awareness of this opportunity, we will tactfully reach into our internal network,
       with a focus on prospects relevant to the Mayor’s Communications Director position.

       Through the advantage of our innovative approach and exploitation of technology, K&A Recruiting at-
       tracts top-tier candidates from diverse backgrounds, merging a progressive recruiting style with traditional     Innovation
       public-sector values. Contemporary applications and software give our recruiters a real-time advantage
       through wide-spread, active management of the market. We have created a strategy to target diversity
       reflective of your community to enable stronger, more diverse candidate pools than before.

       Our 35-year-old history serving public agencies ensures that we stay true to our roots and makes for a                               Diversity                      Innovation                     STYLE
       highly effective process in combination with our innovative approach and emphasis on diversity. By invest-                                                                                                                            35 Years of Public Sector Recruiting
       ing in technology, we also increase collaboration and transparency, which gives your team peace of mind
       when deciding whom to hire.                                                                                      Diversity                                          Many of our clients            We specialize in

                                                                                                                                            and inclusion to de-
       As Chief Executive Officer of the firm, I would be Co-Project Director for the recruitment together with our                         We focus on diversity          use our recruitment            executive and hard-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to-fill positions. Our
       Recruitment Manager, Richard O’Donnell, and our team of seasoned recruiters.  You can reach me at (510)                              velop candidate pools          services year in, year         process is designed
       658-5633, and my email address is  Richard’s email is rodonnell@koffas-                                 that reflect the demo-         out because of our in-         to be visually friendly, and he can be reached at the same telephone number here in Berkeley.  Our fax number is                                graphic in your com-           novation and commit-           and concise yet thor-
                                                                                                                                                                           ment to success.
       (510) 652-5633.                                                                                                                      munity.                                                       ough.

       Please call or email if we can provide any additional information.                                               Modern Recruiting   Philosophy
       We look forward to the opportunity to provide professional services to the City of San José.

       Georg S. Krammer                                                                                                              K&A Recruiting is a full                  CA Certified Small Business (#27854
       Chief Executive Officer                                                                                                                                                 By staying at the forefront of our industry through the incorporation of
                                                                                                                                     spectrum, public-sector                   technology and diversity, all candidates are afforded the full opportu-

                                                                                                                                     Recruiting firm                           nity to submit applications in response to each opening and are not
                                                                                                                                                                               discriminated against.  In this way we develop candidate pools repre-
                                                                                                                                                                               sentative of the demographic in your community.
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