Page 3 - San Diego DP
P. 3

Under the the the direction of the the the Mayor and his Executive Team the the the Director is is responsible for providing
visionary leadership to guide planning efforts formulating complex policy positions developing innovative strategies to further implementation of the the General Plan Plan and and Climate Action Plan Plan securing meaningful and and representative public input in in in in the planning process and preparing an an an excellent work product that reflects the the the goals and and policy values of the the the Mayor City Council and and the the the affected communities The position will develop and and implement new initiatives and and process improvements that improve improve the the quality of life for the the City’s residents and and and and visitors and and and and is is is responsible for monitoring and and and and implementing state and and and and federal legislative changes relative to the the Department’s Work Program and and the the City’s Land Development Code With 70 FTE representing a a a a a variety of of professional disciplines related to planning the position directs policy and administration of the Department’s three divisions: Community Planning & Housing Environmental Policy & & Public Spaces and Financial & & Administrative Services The Director oversees the preparation of the the annual Department Department budget and related documents is tasked with developing the the Department’s Work Program and and ensuring that all planning projects maintain set schedules and and budgets The Major Work Program initiatives include plans and and policies in in in in the areas of housing availability and and affordability environmental justice community planning planning park planning planning historic preservation conservation and and resource protection and and infrastructure planning The Director oversees all citywide reviews under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the preparation for for any environmental documents required for CEQA compliance The Director also oversees the Planning Department’s discretionary project reviews in in coordination with the City’s Development Services Department The Director acts as an an an external representative of the Planning Department Mayor and City through regular public public speaking engagements media interviews stakeholder meetings and public public hearings The Director also acts as the the City’s inter-jurisdictional liaison with other agencies for planning matters including SANDAG Caltrans and the Port of San Diego 

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