Page 7 - Marin D of CLS
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The next Director will lead continued efforts in in in in implementing MCFL’s workplan Objectives in in in in the plan plan include:
» Deepen educational educational equity programming and partnerships to to to maximize support support for children zero to to eight years old including arranging MCFL program resources to to better support educational equity efforts with added emphasis on 21st century learning outcomes which incorporate science technology engineering art and math with emphasis on virtual reality » Actively engage patrons and staff to update the collection development policy programs and services to advance life-long learning independent living and cross-generational programming » Expand investments in in facilities and and draft a a a a two-year Facilities Action Plan » Broaden Marin County Free Library’s Action Plan to recruit and retain a a a a diverse workforce with a focus on providing career ladders support for learning and and cultivating equity in in programs and and practices » Engage patrons to update the digital and physical material collection programs and services to advance life-long learning independent living and cross- generational programming » Begin implementation of a a a Facilities Action Plan in FY 2021-22 

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