Page 103 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 103

Play Onwards                                             Volume 1

              hate grate mate gate late

7. The dime fell through the grate__ __ __ __ __ in
       the sidewalk.

8. It is wrongheaded to hate__ __ __ __ a person for
       something he or she did unintentionally.

9. Sally has several playmates__ __ __ __ __ at school.

10. The first mate__ __ __ __ takes over should the captain become

11. Do not be late __ __ __ __.

12. Please unlatch the garden gate__ __ __ __.

13. Her bossy manner  __ __ __ __ __ __grated on everyone's

                                   sate rate plate pate

14. The dog licked its __ __ __ __ __ plate clean.
15. The movie is not __ __ __ __ __rated very highly.
16. At this slow rate__ __ __ __, we will never finish!
17. Having been kicked by a horse, she now has a metal __ __ __ __

       __plate in her head.
18. The bright student said her appetite for good books can never be sated

       __ __ __ __ __.
19. Mr. Jones wears a wig to cover his bald Pate __ __ __ __.

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