Page 122 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 122
Play Onwards Volume 1
13. The museum paintings are considered works of art __ __ __.
14. She left him, and now his __ __ __ __ __heart is broken.
15. The nurse said, "The iodine will __ __ __ __ __start a little, but
it will keep your cut from getting infected."
16. She was a __ __ __ __ __smart dresser.
17. She was given quite a __ __ __ __ __start when she couldn't
find her wallet for a minute or so.
18. __ __ __ __ __ smart phones have largely ruined the
__ __ __art of conversation.
19. Have __ __ __ __ __,heart, tomorrow will be a better day!
20. The drink is too tart__ __ __ __ for the taste of children.
21. She had some __ __ __ __tart words about him when she learned
he was dating another girl.
EXERCISE 73 carve starve
1. Daphne and Ted __ __ __ __ __ __carved their initials in a
2. After World War II, Berlin was __ __ __ __ __ __carved into
four parts,— one occupied by the Russians, a second by the Americans, a
third by the British, and a fourth by the French.
3. In the winter of 1846-1847, some 40 pioneers froze or __ __ __
__ __ __ __starved to death in the 24-foot snowfall at Donner Pass in
northern California.