Page 131 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 131

Play Onwards                                           Volume 1

              chef ref clef           deaf

8. The __ __ __ref penalized the Eagles 15 yards for pass interference.
9. There are four __ __ __ __ __clefs to indicate the pitch of any

       modern musical piece: treble, bass, alto, and tenor.
10. Although Beethoven was __ __ __ __deaf in his later years, he

       composed some of the most sublime music the world has ever heard.
11. A __ __ __ __chef is the most important person in the kitchen.


                          leg beg peg dreg

1. Shelia broke her __ __ __leg in a skiing accident.
2. Tents are held down with pegs __ __ __ __.
3. The unemployed man had to beg__ __ __ for food

       for himself and his family.
4. Jails are filled mostly with the dregs__ __ __ __

       __ of society.

              keg vague plague egg

5. A chicken lays several __ __ __ __eggs every day.

6. Beer was poured straight from a keg __ __ __.

7. Although she hasn't been in Paris since she was a young child, she does have

a __ __ __ __ __vague memory of the Eiffel Tower.

8. The Black plague__ __ __ __ __ __              killed many people in

England between 1348 and 1350.

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