Page 175 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 175
Play Onwards Volume 1
20. The climbers didn't have the right __ __ __ __ gear to climb the
ice-faced cliff.
fear smear dear clear shear
21. My __ __ __ __dear boy,? oh how I love you!
22. On a __ __ __ __ __clear day you can see for miles.
23. Mommy wouldn't kiss Daddy because she didn't want her lipstick to smear
__ __ __ __ __.
24. When the vicious dog sensed the boys' __ __ __ __,fear, it
attacked them.
25. A barber's __ __ __ __ __ __shears must be kept, razor
blear year sear ear rear near
26. A leap __ __ __ __year occurs every fourth
__ __ __ __year, and it has one extra day,— 366 days in all.
27. An elephant has big ears __ __ __ __.
28. Eye glasses corrected his __ __ __ __near vision.
29. The students were excellent readers, having been __ __ __ __
__ __reared on classics and other good literature.
30. They left through the __ __ __ __rear door.