Page 181 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 181

Play Onwards                             Volume 1

3. Kings of old used to have __ __ __ __ __serfs, who were
       essentially slaves.

4. His skin was obviously too dry, shown by specks of __ __
       __ __ __scurf on his dark socks.


              merge verge       scourge

1. Two street lanes __ __ __ __ __ __merged into one.

2. She's been praying for months, and now she is on the verge__ __ __
       __ __ of becoming a Baptist missionary.

3. The miners were on the __ __ __ __ __verge of permanently
       closing down the gold mine when ? Eureka, they struck gold!

4. Supposedly, the Salk vaccine ended the __ __ __ __ __
       __ __scourge of polio in the late 1950s.

                             urge splurge surge purge gurge

5. At the ballgame, they __splurged, __ __ __ __ __ __ __ on
       hot dogs, cracker jacks, peanuts and cokes.

6. The Sandfords __ __ __ __ __urged their children to visit and
       befriend the sick and dying people in The Home for Incurables.

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