Page 191 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 191

Play Onwards  Volume 1

4. What __ __ __ __ __nerve he had to tell his father to work
       harder and make more money.

5. None of us had the __ __ __ __ __nerve to dive off the high
       diving board.

6. Go slow, there is a sharp curve__ __ __ __ __ ahead.

                       glib rib bib fib crib squib

1. When Billy was just a little boy, he told big __ __ __ __,fibs, and
       today he is telling even bigger ones.

2. Babies wear a __ __ __bib, and sleep in a crib__ __ __ __.
3. He became a __ __ __ __ glib debater by discussing various

       political issues with his family every night at the dinner table.
4. The magazine has several __ __ __ __ __ __squibs, in their

       "HUMOUR IN UNIFORM" section.
5. God made Eve from Adam's rib __ __ __.

                       kick click chick crick flick brick

1. The Big Bad Wolf tried as hard as he could, but he couldn't blow down the
       pigs’ __ __ __ __ __brick, house.

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