Page 205 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 205

Play Onwards                                               Volume 1

14. The gardener gave the bushes a trim __ __ __ __.

15. Having plenty of __ __ __vim and vigor, the boys worked all day
       building a tree fort.

16. The kids tied a rope to the tree __ __ __ __ Limb to swing on.

17. The choir sang several  __ __ __ __ __hymns in church last

18. Plenty of exercise should keep you slim __ __ __ __.

19. The architect __ __ __ __ __ __ limned out detailed plans for
       a new downtown shopping mall.


              skimp imp shrimp crimp

1. Because they __ __ __ __ __ __ __skimped on
       entertainment during the school year, they were able to afford a long
       vacation this summer.

2. Would you like lobster, crab, shrimp__ __ __ __ __ __,                     or
       perhaps some other kind of shellfish?

3. Please __ __ __ __ __crimp, the hose to stop the water.

4. You could not imagine a more disagreeable __ __ __imp, than that
       impudent child!

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