Page 213 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 213

Play Onwards                                                      Volume 1

              rip clip whip slip flip

12. The divers did __ __ __ __ __flips off the high diving board.
13. Mother bought herself a blue, silk slip __ __ __ __.
14. Expect to __ __ __ __slip often when you are learning to ice skate.
15. The strongman could __ __ __rip a phone book in half.
16. Crack the whip __ __ __ __.

              quip hip  zip trip scrip skip

17. He asked for a scrip__ __ __ __ __  of paper to write his

18. __ __ __Zip up, it's cold outside.

19. The store is just a hop, __ __ __ __,skip and jump away.

20. The joker made several __ __ __ __ __quips that had everyone
       rolling in laughter.

21. Bill and his family will take a __ __ __ __trip to Japan this summer.

22. When an old person falls, he or she is apt to break a hip __ __ __.

23. Turn on the night light so that you do not trip __ __ __ __.

24. She said she had a few coins, but no scrip __ __ __ __ __.

25. He wrote the number on a __ __ __ __slip of paper.

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