Page 221 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 221

Play Onwards                                                  Volume 1


ditch itch witch       niche

1. Poison Ivy will make you itch __ __ __ __.

2. The car skidded off the road into a ditch
       __ __ __ __ __.

3. In the __ __ __ __ __ __niches of the
       church walls there were statues of various saints.

4. Beware of The Wicked Old Witch __ __ __ __ __!

                 hitch pitch snitch

5. The losses Disney World has suffered in France have put a
       big __ __ __ __ __hitch in its company plans.

6. The horses were __ __ __ __ __ __ __hitched to the plow.

7. At the picnic, the boys and girls pitched__ __ __ __ __ __ __
       horseshoes for various prizes.

8. The Boy Scouts were looking for soft, dry ground to __ __ __
       __ __pitch their tents.

9. The melody was __ __ __ __ __ __ __pitched in the key of
       F# (sharp).

10. The roof is  __ __ __ __ __ __ __pitched too steep to walk

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