Page 62 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 62

Play Onwards      Volume 1

13. The child fell __ __ __ __flat on her face but did not cry.   __

14. She dropped her former boyfriend because he was always __ __
       __flat broke.

15. She called him a __ __ __ __brat for pulling her

                 plat hat sat pat mat gnat rat

16. Please wipe your feet on the door mat __ __ __.
17. Don't __ __ __pat yourself on the back, you might break your arm!

                18. He __ __ __sat down and rested awhile.
                19. A __ __ __ __gnat flew in her eye.
               20. Cats are good __ __ __rat catchers.
21. The __ __ __ __plat of the subdivision showed that 127 new homes
       will be built.
22. Do you want the photos with a glossy or __ __ __ __flat finish?
23. He asked the waitress for another __ __ __ pat of butter.
24. After reading the script just once, she knew her lines pat __ __ __.
25. Al did not know any poetry, but he knew the Bible pat __ __ __.
26. Was the poker player bluffing when he stood pat__ __
       __ with the hand he was dealt?

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