Page 220 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 220

Play Onwards                                                        Volume 1

21. The lumberjack will __ __ __ __ __split the log in two.

22. "Do you not have even a __ __ __ __whit of sense, young man?
       Playing in the snow without a coat, a hat, or gloves!"

23. A catcher's __ __ __ __mitt has more padding than other baseball

              writ wit twit sit

24. The dog was taught to sit __ __ __.

25. The clown pretended he didn't have the wit__ __ __ even to know up
       from down.

26. The judge gave the FBI a __ __ __ __Writ of Entry, which allowed
       them to enter the gang's house and seize their drugs.

27. She called the boy a little twit__ __ __ __ for messing up her hair.

28. The entrapped mouse was in a __ __ __ __twit of paralyzing fear,
       knowing that it would soon be dinner for the snake.

29. The skeleton dangling in the closet scared her out of her wits
       __ __ __ __.

30. She is sitting__ __ __ __ __ __ __   very pretty ever since
       she inherited $10 million.

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