Page 310 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 310

6.  Words ending in silent e, usually drop the e  when adding a suffix beginning

        with a vowel:
                       Examples: divide and dividing                     survive and survival

                                      fortune and fortunate         abuse and abusive

                       Exceptions:  courage and courageous                      notice and noticeable

                                        change and changeable                   peace and peaceable

                                        acre and acreage

        7.  Words ending with silent e, usually do not  drop the silent e  when adding a

        suffix beginning with a consonant:

                       Examples: arrange and arrangement                 forgive and forgiveness

                                      safe and safety                      shame and shameless

                       Exceptions: acknowledge and acknowledg ment                     argue and argument

                                        true and truly                                   awe and awful

        8.  Use i before  e  except when immediately following c and also when e and i

         together sound like a long a.:


                       i before e    except after c          long a sound            Exceptions

                         shield            conceit                 vein  weight      weird      foreign

                         ancient           deceive                veilneighbor           seize      sovereign

                         believe           ceiling                                       either     forfeit

                         grieve                                                            surfeit   sleight


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