Page 310 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 310
6. Words ending in silent e, usually drop the e when adding a suffix beginning
with a vowel:
Examples: divide and dividing survive and survival
fortune and fortunate abuse and abusive
Exceptions: courage and courageous notice and noticeable
change and changeable peace and peaceable
acre and acreage
7. Words ending with silent e, usually do not drop the silent e when adding a
suffix beginning with a consonant:
Examples: arrange and arrangement forgive and forgiveness
safe and safety shame and shameless
Exceptions: acknowledge and acknowledg ment argue and argument
true and truly awe and awful
8. Use i before e except when immediately following c and also when e and i
together sound like a long a.:
i before e except after c long a sound Exceptions
shield conceit vein weight weird foreign
ancient deceive veilneighbor seize sovereign
believe ceiling either forfeit
grieve surfeit sleight