Page 49 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 49

The Red Well-Read Reader

                                                                                                                   Story 53
                                  Faced with Fattening Paste

                                              In haste

                                  The chef mixed a doughy paste,

                                     Which on a roast he’d baste.

                                         But all was a waste,

                                           For its rich taste

                       Was too much for every dieter's not-so-slim waist.

                                                                                                         Story 54

                                                        A Spate of Prate

                                        Can•di•date Kate stood on a crate and began

                                        her spate praising her running mate.

                                        "We fully back the Dem•o•crat•ic  slate.  And let me

                                        state that we truly love your e•lec•tor•al  state.
                                        Taxes we shall abate, and at a fast rate.  In fact,

                                          we shall in•i•ti•ate a tax rebate.

        However, we promise never to cut the welfare state.  Then every man, woman, and

        child shall elate.  Let this be your fate !  Move us through the White House

        gate !

        "Now - if I weren’t running late for another date, a dinner of $100 a plate, most

        gladly  I'd stay and debate.”

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