Page 228 - Stories Eng & Span
P. 228
Story 167
Her Hospital Stint
As the runners started their sprint, Rwanda slipped and fell. Her
broken leg had to be set in a splint.
Friends brought her candy, flowers, and mint. And there in the
hospital, during her long recovery stint, by dint of hard work she
learned how to perfectly print.
Story 168
On an Ocean Trip
On a fun trip, they zipped along at a fast clip, while porpoises below
would do acrobatic flips.
Their ship had a pool in which swimmers would take an occasional dip;
but mostly the passengers would sit around eating potato chips with
various dips.
Aboard ship was a peculiar man named Skip, who made everyone laugh
with one after another quip. Evidently, though, he had lost his grip: he
wore a woman's see-through slip, and he lit cigars with ten-dollar scrip.
What’s more, he called his liquor bill a gyp,
then refused to give his waiter a proper tip.