Page 104 - Eng & Span for flipbook 2
P. 104
Story 65
Sarge and Marge
Father and daughter are Sarge and Marge.
In combat, Sarge leads his soldiers on an enemy charge, with
weapons loaded with gunpowder charge. And on base, he runs a
river barge.
The duties of Marge are not so large: housework is her only
assigned charge. Therefore, she plays tiddlywinks to give
herself a second charge!"
Story 66
Noah's Ark
To whom did Noah hark, before he built his ark ?
Did he work just in the sunlight, or also in the dark ? Did he take any
birds like a robin or a lark? Of course, he didn't take a whale or a
shark ! But did he take two seals, and loudly did they bark ?
What does the Bible remark? Does it tell of the voyage on the world's
arc, the flood's high-water mark, and where the ark finally came to
park ? For how long did the earth look stark ? When did Noah's
problems no longer cark ?