Page 240 - Eng & Span for flipbook 2
P. 240

Story 177

                                                     The Fritches

               Mr. Fritch said to his son, "Apparently, Mitch, you don't care a stitch,

               about finding your niche, and becoming even moderately rich. Your

               behavior is giving me an anxious twitch.

               "To get you a job, many times I have given a boss a sales pitch. But as

               fast as you're hi r ed, you're fi r ed.  You get the itch.  'The job has a

               hitch,' you say.  Then to another job you switch.’

               "Speaking of switch, when you were younger Mitch, you should have
               gotten my switch.  Then today maybe you wouldn't be in such a ditch.

               "You ought to go back to school, Mitch, and begin learning to spell

               tricky words like the pronoun which, a sandwich, and the Wicked Old


              Story 178

                                           A Myth
                               Across the Atlantic's width,

                               Along a Norwegian frith,

                               Among his kin and kith,

                               There lives a man, Goldsmith,

                               Who shoes unicorns as a blacksmith.

                                                           Nowadays I buy all my horseshoes
                                                           from Thom McAn.  He's one heck
                                                           of a man!
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