Page 398 - Eng & Span for flipbook 2
P. 398
Story 324
The Drag Bunt
When young, Juan learned to drag bunt. But later as a major
leaguer, he would grunt, when asked to lay down the bunt.
His thinking was that if the brunt, of his hits were the
mere bunt, he might as well quit his hunt, to be in the
game's forefront, and see his picture in every storefront.
Story 325
Hiccoughs or Hiccups
When just a pup, Pedro would sup, his supper, so fast that
he would invariably, hiccup. “ Coke and Pepsi, would just
make him throw up ! The only thing that worked, was a cup,
of 7-Up. Believe me, this is not any gup!”
Story 326
Gus Is Calamitous
As a waiter Gus, wasn't a plus. He would cause a fuss, and make the
customers nearly cuss.
Well, one day. Mr. Russ, his boss, pulled him aside and said, "Gus, I'm
serious, you're simply calamitous. You cannot wait, and you cannot bus.
Thus, you'd best head out on the next bus. We have nothing further to