Page 16 - Eng-Span2017
P. 16

Story 7


                                     Bill said:     "Would you like to sail in my craft?"

                                     Sue said:  "No, I don't like any art or craft!"

                                     Bill said:     “Would you rather white-water in my river
                                                    raft?  You may sit in either the fore or the


                                     Sue said:  "No! I have a raft of other things to do this

                                                    sunny Saturday aft . . . afternoon!"

                                     Bill said:     "But, Sue, soon I'll be taken in the Army


                                     Sue said:  "Draft, draft! My father drinks nothing but
                                                    Miller draft, and I'm forever writing or

                                                    sketching a draft.  Besides, don’t you know,
                                                    one could catch a cold in a draft?

                                     Bill angrily said:  "Gees! Sheez daft!"

                                     Sue comically said:  "Cheeese ! Sheez Kraft! "

                                     Then Bill and then Sue laughed and laughed.

                              Change: She’s to Sheez and cheese has an extra e.
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