Page 194 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e
P. 194

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

                               trick  slick  stick  snick  thick              wick      tick

        14.   The witch jumped on her broomstick__     __     __     __     __        and flew off

               into the night.

        15.   Light the     __     __     __     __wick of the candle.

        16.   The fog is too     __     __     __     __     __thick to see through it.

        17.   Twenty-four hours a day the clock goes tick__     __     __     __, tick

               __   __     __     __,    __     __     __. tick

        18.   Ice made the road too     __     __     __     __     __slick to drive.

        19.   The magician amazed everyone with his tricks__     __     __     __     __     __.

        20.   A     __     __     __     __tick sucks the blood of animals and humans alike.

        21.   Shaving with a dull razor, he       __     __     __     __     __     __nicked his

               face badly.

        EXERCISE 150

                                              strict                  evict

        1.     The discipline must be     __     __     __   __     __     __strict in prisons.

        2.     For regularly causing a lot of noise and commotion,

               the college boys were      __    __     __     __

               __     __     __evicted from their apartment.

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