Page 201 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e
P. 201
Play Onwards Volume 1
16. During the ocean trip, many of the boaters became quite ill
__ __ __.
17. Flour is ground at the mill __ __ __ __.
18. Some __ __ __ __ __pills relieve pain.
19. Plants were set on the window sill __ __ __ __.
20. The principal said that children were not allowed to mill__ __ __ __
around on school grounds after 3 o'clock.
shrill swill thrill still till
21. The office kept very little money in their till__ __ __ __.
22. The rollercoaster ride will certainly __ __ __ __ __ __thrill
23. Sometimes in winter the woods get so still__ __ __ __ __ that
nothing is heard.
24. Farmers must __ __ __ __till the soil to grow their crops.
25. When the drill sergeant blew his __ __ __ __ __ __ shrill
whistle, the recruits jumped out of beds and came to attention.
26. Pigs rushed to lap up the __ __ __ __ __ swill the farmer tossed
in their trough.