Page 302 - OBAL_CompleteBook_2016
P. 302
Oakland Bay Area Chapter - The Links, Incorporated
Pictured from left to right,
First Row: Huey Malone, Ph.D., Rod May, Otis McGee, Jr., Louis H. Mischeaux, Jr., Walter Morris, Ronald Muhammad
Second Row: Jesse Patton, Tracy Porter, James Potter, Kevin Rose, Phillip Saddler.
Third Row: Rich Smith, Lynn S. Smith, O.D., Philip Smith, Willard B. Smith, D.C., Jon Streeter
Fourth Row: Felix Stuckey, Calvin Tyler, Geoffrey Watson, M.D., Henry Williams, Edwin J. Wilson, Esq.
Not Shown: Leon Clincy, Charles Green, Jacques Hébert, Robert Thompson, Michael E. Hebrard, M.D.
300 | 59th Oakland Bay Area Links Cotillion