Page 28 - MHC Magazine 2018
P. 28

28          Milnerton Hebrew Congregation - High Holy Days 5779
     Jokes from Jewlarious at                         “Mazal  tov  Rachel!  I  am  so  happy  for  you!”
                                                               gushed her mother giving her a big hug, “I hope
     21st Century Synagogue                                    you two will be really happy together! I can’t
     RABBI MONDAY MORNING IN SHUL: “Will every-                wait to meet him!”
     one please turn on their tablet, PC, iPad, smart          “Tell us more about him” said her Dad, “does
     phone, and Kindles to Art Scroll page 232. And            he have any money?”
     please  switch  on  your  Bluetooth  to  download         “Oh Dad! You men are all the same.”
     the sermon.”
     P-a-u-s-e......                                           “What do you mean?” asked her father.
     “Now, let us daven. Open your Apps, BBM, Twit-            “That was the fi rst question he asked me about
     ter and Facebook, and chat with God”                      you too!”
     S-i-l-e-n-c-e .......
     “As  we  accept  your  kind  tzedakah  donations,         Shabbos at Bubbie’s
     please have your credit and debit cards ready.”           Little Shmuli and the Marcus family were invit-
     “You can log on to the Shul Wi-Fi using the pass-         ed to their grandparents for Friday night din-
     word ‘Hashem18.’ The Shammes will circulate               ner. Everyone was seated around the table and
     mobile card swipe machines among the congre-              Zadie Marcus was getting ready to recite Kid-
     gants:                                                    dush. Just then, Shmuli reached for the challah
     Those  who  prefer  to  make  electronic  fund            and appetizers on the table and began eating.
     transfers are directed to computers and laptops           “Shmuli, wait until Zadie says kiddush and ham-
     at the rear of the Shul.                                  otzi!” demanded his father.
     Those who prefer to use iPads can open them.              “I don’t have to,” the fi ve year old replied.
     Those who prefer telephone banking, take out              “Of course you do, Shmuli,” his mother insisted
     your cell phones to transfer your contributions           forcefully. “We always wait until after kiddush
     to the Shul account.”                                     and hamotzi at our house.”
     This  week’s  shiur  will  be  held  on  the  various     “That’s at our house,” Shmuli explained, “but
     Facebook  group pages  where  the  usual  group           this is Bubbie’s house, and she knows how to
     chatting  takes  place.  Please  log  in  and  don’t      cook.”
     miss out.
     Thursday’s  Talmud  Torah  study  will  be  held
     live  on  Skype  at  1900hrs  GMT.  Please  don’t
     miss out.
     You can follow the Rabbi on Twitter this week-
     end for counselling and prayers.

     Who Says Men Don’t Remember
     Moishe and Miriam Epstein were shopping at
     the mall. Suddenly Miriam looked around and
     Moishe was gone. Miriam was quite upset be-
     cause they had a lot of shopping to do. She
     searched for a while before she decided to
     call Moishe on his cell phone to ask him where
     he was.
     In a quiet voice he said, “Do you remember
     the jewelry store we went to about fi ve years
     ago, when you fell in love with that diamond
     necklace that we couldn’t afford and I told
     you one day - one day, I would get it for you?”
     Miriam choked up and started to cry. “Yes I
     remember that store,” she said trembling.
     “Good,” replied Moishe, “Because I’m at the
     ice cream store next door.”

     School Romance
     Rachel went off to New York to get her Mas-
     ter’s degree, and  while  she was there  she
     met someone special. “Mom, Dad, sit down.
     I have something very important to tell you,”
     said Rachel, upon her return home from col-
     lege after graduation. “I met a guy at school
     that I really like and we decided we are going
     to get married!”
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