Page 15 - HSR
P. 15
Technically [our house] is illegal. There’s an office that was converted into a bedroom, and I live in the garage with one of my friends. There are eight people who live in my house and that’s the only reason we can all afford to live there. We had to get it inspected at the beginning of the school year and our landlord showed up, one of the only times we’ve ever seen him, and he helped us move the beds out of the garage and make it look like no one was living we could keep the house.
My friend specifically requested that her landlord give her a heads up when he was planning on coming in to fix things. He didn’t obey that request. [One time], he barged in early in the morning when she had just gotten out of the shower. Her bedroom had a glass window. She was basically completely naked and he’s scoping [around]. He’s not there to try to fix anything, he’s just there being nosy. When she called him out on it, he ended up evicting her. [He insisted] that it was his space and he could do whatever he wanted.
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