Page 16 - HSR
P. 16
I had a friend, she lived [in] a house full of girls, and the landlord had cameras in his house. They found [cameras] in the bathrooms and rooms, so then it made sense to them why he would only [rent to] girls. He would say, 'Oh, I would only get girls so you feel safe.' That was really sad and scary.
- Paulina, Latinx, female undergraduate
Now the landlord doesn’t like us because we are a group of queer and trans [people]. I think that’s part of the reason that he wants to get rid of us. I’m lucky to have this spot, but I don’t know... what’s worse, having to jump around, or [dealing with] that?
I was living with [someone] who was nonbinary and had a lot of piercings. My landlord would ask me about this housemate specifically, and kind of talk shit about them. He asked me if I felt uncomfortable [around them] sounded like he wanted to get rid of this housemate [and wanted] me to give him an excuse [to evict them].
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