Page 18 - HSR
P. 18
another 10 to 20 hours doing note- taking work, all while trying to balance my class schedule. You have to think...What am I going to cut? Am I going to cut sleep, or am I going to skip a meal? What am I going to do in order to make rent?
I tend to put off medical expenses. I’m supposed to make all these appointments with specialists for some of my health conditions and I just don’t. I finally got some dental work done that I really needed but that was $1,500 after insurance.
- Angel, European American, genderqueer graduate student
I'm not going to have a conversation [with my landlord] like 'Please don't ever call me a lady, I don’t like that, that’s not how I identify.' I already know that he is not going to understand. Compromising your own identity is very uncomfortable, but what’s more uncomfortable: having housing, or accepting a certain level of invisibility?
"When I first moved off campus, we needed another person in order to afford rent. The person that was interested was a man that I really didn’t like or get along with. He ended up sharing a room with me, and he started sexually harassing me. He put a camera in the room to watch me undress. Allowing him to live with us to save money was probably the biggest regret of my life. When everybody found out, nobody wanted him living there anymore, but we didn’t kick him out because we couldn’t afford rent if he moved out."
- Julie, Latinx, female undergraduate
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