Page 20 - HSR
P. 20
We’ve had to pull furniture away from the wall because the floor is all covered in water. The carpet’s soaked. The furniture has mold on the back of it. We had the [same] problem with our bath tub. These are probably things that the landlord should do something about. It’s probably why we keep getting sick and we can’t get better. It’s never dry.
- Patricia, European American, female undergraduate
It is very apparent that even though [homeless students] are trying to support each other... there is a sense of shame and stigma around homelessness and being poor, and not having the conventional lifestyle that
:derahs ,tneduts yranibnon ,rednalsI cificaP dna naisA na ,noveD .stnediser zurC atnaS desuoh morf emoclewnu gnileef dna
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.desserdda eb tsum stneduts
ylediw saw
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rieht dna ,noitalu-pop degdelwonkcarednu naerastnetdna,srepmac,sracrojamasatuognidnatsdlomkcalbhtiw
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,desimorpmoc osla saw gnieb-llew lacisyhP
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