Page 19 - HSR
P. 19
When it’s 39 degrees inside your house, it just constantly reminds you how little money you have, how little you can afford. That is stress that you take with you the rest of the day. When you get home at night and your home isn’t nice and warm, it’s freezing’s incredibly stressful. Instead of your house being somewhere where you can decompress, it becomes something that constantly reminds you of the fact that you cannot afford to live in this city.
Home is supposed to be the one place that you are not really stressed...the one place that you can actually relax. Some people get anxious [being around] a lot of people. Having too many people in one place can also [contribute to] food insecurity, because you’re not able to store your own food. Overcrowded [housing] is really anxiety building.
As someone who’s always had really bad depression and anxiety, to the point of having multiple hospitalizations, it’s really hard to maintain grades when finances are literally always on your mind. I’m dreaming about money. I wake up and I immediately think, ‘How am I going to survive? What am I going to do today so that I ensure my survival?’ It really takes a toll on you, mentally and emotionally.
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