Page 21 - HSR
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everyone has. We don’t feel like we are part of this institution because of our living situations. The refusal for the universities to acknowledge that there are homeless students is definitely part of this isolation that we all feel. It is so difficult to say that you are homeless and a student, and that you are trying to pursue your education, and still be engaged in the community. Housing affects your overall wellbeing, every aspect of your life.
Last quarter, I failed my classes because I got a letter [saying] I was going to get kicked out [of my apartment] during finals week if I didn’t pay $1,000. That was really stressful, and I’ve been going through it every quarter. My grades aren’t great, they’re not even good...there’s a chance that I might not even be able to finish [school] because of housing.
Rent is so high that I cannot afford to stop working. I wish I could dedicate more of my time to school, so I can get the grades that I want. But that is not an option for me. If I work less, that means I get paid less, which means that I can’t live there and can’t go to school.
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