Page 23 - HSR
P. 23

I ended up finding my current place on Craigslist, and it was a little bit scary because anyone can post stuff and you don’t know what’s going to happen...but luckily, I
ended up not being kidnapped.
-Katelyn, European American, female undergraduate
The housing registry is incredibly unhelpful. Not only a terribly designed website, but everything is so expensive, and nothing was [geographically accessible. I really thought it was useless. It is so much easier to turn to a Facebook page and ask people for help that way.
Credit was a big [barrier] for me. Coming from a family where my parents don’t have a great credit history, applying for housing with my friends was always nerve-wracking. [I worried] that they would probably all be fine, but I could be the person to mess it all up.
:denialpxe ,etaudargrednu elamef ,xnitaL a ,assileM ,segnellahc eseht gnitartsulli rehtruF .tisoped ytiruces 000,1$ a yap ot elbanu saw ehs nehw sselemoh emaceb ylraen ,etaudargrednu elamef ,xnitaL a ,aniluaP .sreirrab lanoitidda detaerc serocs tiderc dna ,srengis-oc deriuqer ,seef noitacilppa latneR .000,01$ sa hcum sa yap ot deksa gnieb stneduts 6-5 fo spuorg htiw ,nommoc erew stisoped ytiruces hgiH .dezisahpme yltnetsisnoc saw tekram gnisuoh elbadroffanu
s’zurC atnaS ,spuorg sucof ruo fo lla ssorcA .gnisuoh gniruces ot elcatsbo latnemadnuf a sa degreme osla secruoser laicnanif fo kcal ,slatner gnitacol rof sloot detimil ot noitidda nI
.lla ta gnisuoh dnif ot ”ykcul“ sevlesmeht deredisnoc stnapicitrap ,segnellahc eseht tsdimA
:snrecnoc ’stnednopser dezirammus yltpa ,etaudargrednu elamef ,naciremA naeporuE a ,acisseJ .latrop eht gnitagivan ytluciffid dna ,stsop detadtuo ,sdroldnal laitnetop morf lla ta esnopser on ro semit esnopser gnol ,secirp latner egareva naht rehgih dedulcni seuqitirc nommoC .yltneuqerf ssel raf desu saw ,smacs morf noitcetorp retaerg gnivah etipsed ,yrtsiger gnisuoh s’CSCU .tsilsgiarC revo muidem derreferp eht ti edam ytiruces dna ,emit esnopser rekciuq ,ycnerapsnart deviecrep retaerg ,koobecaF deugalp snrecnoc emas eht fo ynam hguohtlA
:sksirkootstnapicitrapynam,gnisuohelbadroffagnidniffo ytluciffid eht ot eud ,revewoH .sgnitsil ralucitrap tuoba stnacilppa laitnetop denraw taht stsop tsilsgiarC rehto gniees debircsed stnapicitrap emos taht evisavrep os erew smacs esehT .stinu latnerfosnoitpircsedsuoenorrednasotohpgnidaelsimdeyalpsidro/dna,sdnuffosrefsnart

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