Page 25 - HSR
P. 25
[I was looking for housing] with a group that had three Asian [students] and two Caucasian [students]. After we filled out the paperwork, the property manager only called me and the two other Asian girls to criticize us, [even though] we did everything correctly. They were finding excuses to deter us or reject us. They said really mean things to [us]. But they didn’t call the [two white students].
-Jodie, Asian American, female undergraduate
I posted a professional head shot, a description of [myself], and my budget. Some of the replies I got were not only offensive, but the worst you can imagine. Dick pics in my inbox. Emails saying ‘Go back to Mexico, immigrant’ and ‘Make America Great Again’ as the subject line. That’s one barrier that I faced, [seeing] what it’s like to be somebody of Afro-Latinx decent in Santa Cruz.
.noicipsus htiw reh ta dekool stnediser taht tlef ehs ,supmac raen sdoohrobhgien etihW ,reihtlaew hguorht gniklaw nehW ”.elpoep roop eht dna elpoep nworB eht lla tup yeht erehw“ sa zurC atnaS fo edis tsaE eht no sdoohrobhgien debircsed aidyL ,ecnatsni roF .seitironim cinhte dna laicar ot ”yldneirf“ era sdoohrobhgien
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hcihw tuoba roloc fo stneduts rehto morf denraelrolocfostnednopser,yltnatropmI
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:ytiruces gnisuoh rieht detceffa taht noitanimircsid fo slevel hgih detroper yduts siht ni roloc fo stnednopseR
.ylsuoires erom mihkootsdroldnaldeveilebyehtesuaceb ”krow eht lla od ot dah“ setamesuoh xnitaL yltnanimoderp fo puorg rieht fo tnediser etihW eht taht derahs ,etaudargrednu elamef ,xnitaL a ,einnoB ,ylralimiS
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