Page 27 - HSR
P. 27
are both nonbinary, so we’re both pretending to be something that we are not. It feels like we have to do that with any housing situation, just in case. I am pretty sure my landlord has no idea.
-Kendall, mixed race, nonbinary undergraduate
I’m trans and I use a name that is not my legal name. I used that name on my sublease application when I moved in. The landlord didn’t say anything, but it was scary wondering what could happen. Is he going to find out that I’m holding a lease under a name that’s not my legal name? Will we lose the house because it's a violation of something? I don't know.
.nommoc saw slatner laitnetop tisiv ot krow ro ssalc gnissiM .snoitacilppa timbus dna ,gniweiv a rof seludehcs elpitlum etadommocca ,sdroldnal
laitnetop tcatnoc ,sgnitsil elbaliava dnif ot sekat ti emit eht gniton ”,boj emit-lluf“ a sa gnisuoh rof gnihcraes deziretcarahc stnapicitrap fo ytirojam ehT .gnisuoh rof hcraes ot evah yeht emit eht timil seludehcs krow dna ssalc gnidnamed rieht tub ,sretner decneirepxeni netfo stneduts era ylno toN .semoctuo gnisuoh ’stnednopser gnicneulfni sa deifitnedi osla erew sutats tneduts dna htuoy evitaleR
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.noitalsigel gnisuoh riaf rednu detcetorp ton si ytitnedi redneg ,sselehtreveN ”.fles etelpmoc“ s’eno sserpxe
ot elba gnieb dna emoh ta elbatrofmoc gnileef ot laitnesse tub tluciffid si secaps yldneirf-reeuq gnidnif taht deerga stnapicitraP .yniturcs s’droldnal rieht diova ot moor derahs rieht ni sdebknub dah rentrap reh dna )etaudargrednu elamef ,xnitaL( eiluJ ,ecneirepxe
.stnanet elamef ro elam rof ecnereferp a desserpxe taht stnemesitrevda gnisuoh ot gnidnop-ser nehw ytniatrecnu debircsed ohw etaudargrednu yranibnon ,ecar dexim
siht gniohcE ”.esac ni tsuj“ dneirflrig reh htiw devil dah ehs taht erahs ton did ehs ,noitautis gnisuoh suoiverp reh tuoba deksa droldnal wen )etaudargrednu elamef ,naciremA naeporuE( s’acisseJ nehw ,ecnatsni roF .setamesuoh dna sdroldnal htob morf spihsnoitaler dna ytilauxes rieht gnidih ot dednetxe ytitnedi rieht laecnoc ot stnapicitrap deifitnedi-reeuq rof erusserp ehT
,relyTrofgnisuohgnidniffosegnellahc eht denethgieh osla ytitnedi redneG