Page 26 - HSR
P. 26
I got the sense that [landlords] felt like they could get things over our heads, you know? Like, ‘Just sign this and we’ll go through it later’ kind of thing. When I decided to have my parents come help me, things suddenly went a lot differently. My space and my time were suddenly respected and it was a more
professional experience. I need my father to basically stand behind me to be seen as a human, I guess.
The landlord said they wanted at least two women to live there. As a trans person, I kind of have to say, ‘yes, I am a woman now,’ to get into this housing situation. Actually, [my roommate and I]
:ecnatpecca niag ot seititnedi rieht esimorpmoc ot decrof gnileef debirc -sed stnapicitrap lareveS .snoitpo gnisuoh rieht tcirtser dluow snuonorp derreferp dna ,seman lagel fo noisivorp eht ,ytitnedi redneg rieht taht gnitapicitna debirc -sed stnednopser eseht ,sdroldnal htiw
:devresbo ,etaudargrednu elamef ,naciremA naeporuE a ,ycatS ,snoitcaretni deredneg eseht gnitart-sullI .meht dezinortap dna
gnitcaretni nehW .gnimrofnocnon redneg dna ,yranibnon ,rednegsnart sa deifitnedi ohw yduts siht ni stnapicitrap rof esac
,snrecnoc rieht deyalpnwod ,setamesuoh elam ot ylevisulcxe sesnopser detcerid ,sruot esuoh gnirud snoitseuq rieht derongi ohw sdroldnal debircsed stnednopser elamef lareveS .elbatiolpxe erom erofereht dna ”evïan“ erom era nemow gnuoy taht feileb eht yllacificeps ,sepytoerets tsixes ot ecnereferp siht detubirtta stnapicitraP
eht osla saw sihT .)8102 ,.la te ikswognaL( daerpsediw si noitanimircsid gnisuoh taht setacidni sretner gnimrofnocnon redneg dna rednegsnart htiw hcraeseR
.noicipsus htiw deweiv erew stnanet elamef rof secnereferp hcuS ”.htiw evil ot lrig
gnuoy a rof gnikool yllautca m’I“ ,mih dlot droldnal laitnetop )tneduts etaudarg elam ,naciremA naeporuE( s’drahciR ,esuoh a ni .spuorgmooratnerotgniweivretniretfa,elpmaxe gnisuohredneg-deximesohcyllanoitroF.sehcraesgnisuohniegatnavda na gnivah sa nemow dedrager ,elam erew ohw esoht yliramirp ,stnednopser emoS
-netni stnednopser ynam ,saib siht tabmoc oT .spuorg elam ylevisulcxe ni nehw ylralucitrap ,gnisuoh gnikees nehw meht degatnavdasid sepytoerets eseht taht snrecnoc deciov stnapicitrap elam lareveS .strapretnuoc elam rieht naht ”retaen“ dna ”renaelc“ sa stnanet elamef epytoerets sdroldnal taht deveileb osla stnapicitraP
.sdroldnal yb tnemtaert evitatiolpxe ot ytilibarenluv gninethgieh dna tluciffid erom sehcraes gnisuoh gnikam sa debircsed saw ytitnedi redneg,yllacipyttsoM.secneirepxefoegnar a gnibircsed stnednopser htiw ,xelpmoc saw gnisuoh ot pihsnoitaler s’redneG